Bronson Welcome Party with Mexican Sweets

Bronson arrived in Mexico and we welcomed him with a little party where we shared some typical Mexican sweets.

We love candy and children tried to share candies that are not easy to find outside Mexico. In many streets around the city you can find wheelbarrows with candy made of seeds. Peanut brittle is one of our favorites, amaranth "alegrías" are also delicious.

Here’s a short list with some of the candies you might find in Mexico:

Obleas con cajeta (Goat’s milk caramel wafers) – a delectable treat  made of two paper-thin flour wafers filled with Mexico’s fabled goat’s milk caramel candy, cajeta, creating a sweet sandwich that won’t stick to your fingers. 

Cajeta Suckers – same delicious flavor of cajeta in a lollipop presentation.

De La Rosa’s Mazapan (marzipan) – is a delicious and traditional peanut confection. SImilar to almod marzipan but made of peanuts. 

Fruit rolls – These sweet fruity treats are very popular in Mexico, made from tropical fruits like quince, mango and guava.

Cocadas-  These are sweet coconut rolls. 

Spicy spoon suckers – It’s a spicy, salty, sweet and gooey candy sold  right on a spoon in fruit flavors — tamarind and mango.

Palanquetas (seed and nut brittles) – Thess are sweet and delicious confections made of  a variety of seed and nuts  mixed in with sugar and honey. The most common ones are peanut but sometimes you’ll find the fancier pecan and even almond.

Sweet and Spicy Lollypops – In Mexico we love to mix sugar and chile and this is best when there is either mango, tamarind or watermelon involved. These lollypops are a wonderful surprise in your mouth.

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