Xólotl and the Abi-Streich in Hamburg!


Can you see the red lipstick on our faces? That was the "Abi-Streich" 2015! Once a year, when the older students are nearly finished with all their final exams (which are called "Abitur" or short "Abi"), they go crazy one day and play games with the teachers. The teachers and younger students never know the day, so it's always a great surprise! It is wild and the older students are allowed to mock their teachers and turn the school day upside down.. They usually dress up, too! Girls dress up as boys and they wear costumes of all sorts. This year, they did a quiz: the teachers had to answer questions and they could use students for help as "jokers" like in a quiz show. The older students had also hacked the school internet and put all the tables and chairs of every classroom outside :-) Xólotl had a great time during P.E. lessons, where he did some "ceiling-diving" (of course he was caught by the students who looked after him!). He was allowed to take part in all the activities, and he loved to have his photo taken with some of the teachers, too! Great fun it was to have you here in Hamburg, Xólotl! For a creature your age you are very fit and active ;-)

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