Painting Daruma, Willy

 “Daruma” is a traditional Japanese tumbler doll representing Bodhidharma, who founded the Zen sect of Buddhism in the sixth century. 

“Daruma”, representing Bodhidharma sitting in meditation, is made of paper-marche, limbless and typically painted in red.  “Daruma” is made in various sizes, but typical size as large as a melon.  It is weighted on the bottom, so it always recovers upright position whenever it is tumbled. 

Nowadays “Daruma” is regarded more as a bringer of good luck.  It is considered a symbol of perseverance and reaching the objective, as it always stands up positively. 

Willy found a Daruma stand at the green festival in the last weekend at Hiratsuka Sogo Park.
And, he tried to paint Daruma with Nana.

We enjoyed other stands.

(BBQ Chicken)

Bamboo works

It was sunny day!

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