Samurai Willy

We generally celebrate May 5 as "Children's day", which is one of Japanese national holidays.
The another name of "Children's day" is "Boy's festival".
"Children's day" based on "The day for the prevention of cruelty to children" was established in 1948.

The purpose of "Children's day" was to celebrate children's happiness and to respect their individual.

Boy's parents display "colorful carp banners" or "helmet".
Many people eat some famous sweets to celebrate the special day.
"colorful carp banners" and "helmet" are famous symbol to celebrate "Children's day".
Many parents display them hoping that children will grow up with courage and wisdom.
"Kashiwa-mochi", rice cake wrapped in an oak leaf, and " Chimaki" , rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves, are also famous as a Japanese sweets to celebrate "Children's day".
In Japan many people believe "kashiwa-mochi" is a symbol of prosperity of their descendants.
On the other hand "Chimaki" has been familiar among the people as a protective charm.

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