Stripy visits the Angel of Independence

The city’s icon and logo, a 45m (147ft)  column hewn in quarry stone from Chiluca crowned by a bronze angel bathed in gold leaf, and the work of architect Antonio Rivas Mercado. Unveiled on September 16, 1910, on the 100th anniversary of Mexico’s independence. Іn later years іt wаs made іntо а mausoleum fоr the mоst important heroes оf thаt war. It’s the gathering point for mass protests and celebrations, such as a victory by Mexico’s soccer team.

The final structure consists of a base with four vertices, each with a Florentine bronze sculpture, representing Peace, Justice, War and Law. Another sculpture of the same material can be observed; a lion guided by a child, evoking the virtue of strength in war and peace. 

It is accompanied by other sculptures representing the heroes of Independence: Miguel Hidalgo, Vicente Guerrero, José María Morelos y Pavón, Nicolás Bravo and Francisco Javier Mina; and two female figures at the side of the Nation’s Father, representing history and the nation. 

The Angel symbolizes the Winged Victory. Constructed in bronze and covered in gold, it is 6.7m (22 feet) high and weighs approximately 7 tons. The figures sustained in her hands are metaphors of victory (laurel) and then end of slavery (broken chains). 

In 1957, the monument to Independence, popularly known as “The Angel” lived its hardest moment when the golden sculpture fell off the column as a consequence of a strong earthquake. The sculpture was replaced a short time after and has stayed where it belongs ever since.

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